Work Hours Comparison Widget

Select a worker's level of experience, annnual leave option, and intended work hours per day to see which US occupations have similar average total work hours per year (+/- 40 hours).

About the Work Hours Comparison Widget

The working hours comparison widget is built on a few assumptions. These are:

  • There are 260 working days in a year, as defined by (52 weeks)/year * (5 weekdays)/week;
  • There are 10 Mongolian national holidays in a year;
  • In reality, holidays that fall on weekends are not generally shifted to weekdays, so total holidays in a given year can be variable in Mongolia. Here, however, it is assumed that 10 holidays per year fall on weekdays.
  • In addition to national holidays, each worker is entitled to the following paid leave days per year, as mandated by Mongolian labor law:
    • 0-5 years working experience receives 15 paid leave days.
    • 6-10 years working experience receives 18 paid leave days.
    • 11-15 years working experience receives 20 paid leave days.
    • 16-20 years working experience receives 22 paid leave days.
    • 21-25 years working experience receives 24 paid leave days.
    • 26-31 years working experience receives 26 paid leave days.
    • 32+ years working experience receives 29 paid leave days.

Total work hours for the Mongolian comparison occupation are calculated as such: (annual hours) = ((business days) - (holidays) - (paid leave))/year * hours/day. The annual work hours for US occupations are average work hours for each profession.

Data for the widget comes from: