About the Data Widgets

Data widgets are small applications for manipulating large sets of data. While processing and analyzing data for blog posts, sometimes it is necessary to create widgets for manipulating the data under various parameters and conditions. These are some of the widgets that have been created over time and are fun to play with in their own right. This is not a static list, and it is added to as more widgets are created.

Data Widgets

Work Hours Comparison: Compare work hours under Mongolian labor laws to US occupations.
Soum Name List Generator: Generate lists of soum names based on specific criteria such as common names and furthest from Ulaanbaatar.
Khanbogd Investment Comparison: Compare development project revenues from the national and aimag budgets to soums in Umnugovi province for 2011-2013.
Gobi Development Budget (2009-2012) Comparison: Compare development expenditures by soum and project from the national and aimag budgets to soums in Umnugovi province for 2009-2012.
IAAC Wealth Disclosure Data Graph Generator: Generate graphs of data submitted by government officials on their Independent Authority Against Corruption (IAAC) annual wealth disclosure forms.